f Health Behavior Theories Workshop


The National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) is hosting a conference entitled "Unlocking the Future of Health Behavior Theory: Toward Innovations in Understanding and Practice."

Health behavior theories (HBTs) are used to describe, predict, and understand health behaviors, as well as to inform the development and use of behavior change strategies. Recent technological advancements and increased focus on social and structural determinants of health challenge traditional approaches to developing and applying HBTs.

The NIH HBT Project aims to identify core needs for advancing HBT quality and use and establish a foundation for future progress. In this conference, HBT Project members and invited panelists will report on recent efforts and facilitate collaborative discussions to explore cross-cutting challenges and opportunities for HBT. This event is open to the general public, and registration can be completed up to the date of the event. This event will be recorded and archived on NIH Videocast.