Small Group Discussions

Small Group Discussion 1: Using Data to Address Health Disparities

Discussion Focus:

  • What types of data are most useful for understanding health disparities?
  • How can data science projects prioritize reducing inequities in healthcare access and outcomes?
  • What partnerships or collaborations can enhance the impact of such work?
  • How can researchers address barriers to participation in underserved populations?
  • What benefits do community partnerships bring to health data science projects?

Small Group Discussion 2: Data Ethics Case Studies (Please go to Data Ethics Cases Studies Tab)

Small Group Discussion 3: Addressing Barriers to Learning Data Science

Discussion Focus:

  • What common challenges do health researchers face when learning data science?
  • How can training programs address time constraints, technical intimidation, or lack of resources?
  • What strategies promote inclusivity and accessibility in data science education?
  • How can mentors effectively guide trainees in applying data science to health research?
  • How can organizations create mentorship opportunities that connect data scientists with health experts?

Small Group Discussion 4. Collaboration Across Disciplines and Building Sustainable Data Science Teams

Discussion Focus:

  • What strategies promote mutual understanding and shared goals between disciplines?
  • How can workshops and training programs foster interdisciplinary collaboration?
  • What skills and roles are essential for a successful health data science team?
  • How can organizations attract and retain talent in data science for health research?
  • What are effective strategies for training and mentoring new team members?

Small Group Discussion 5: Supporting Career Pathways in Data Science

Discussion Focus:

  • How can training programs prepare participants for diverse roles in health data science?
  • What additional skills, such as project management or communication, are critical for career advancement?
  • How can institutions attract top data science professionals to work in health research?
  • What strategies can improve retention and professional development for data scientists?
  • How can institutions support career growth and satisfaction for interdisciplinary teams?